Über den Bereich
This is a function with a focus on hydrogen. The aim is to accompany the ramp-up of a portfolio with hydrogen products and to develop and imple-ment related criteria/standard development and implementation.
EnBW's Trading business unit is EnBW's central market access point to the energy markets. We are active in key European markets and on international energy exchanges. Our Trading unit is respon-sible for the optimal management of EnBW's portfolio, is active in the trading of renewable ener-gies and thus supports the Energiewende. We are also involved in future topics such as hydrogen or smart & digital in trading, as well as in new supply contracts and the management of renewable energies. EnBW's Business Unit Trading operates with an international team with employees from more than 30 nations, represented at 4 European locations: Germany, England, Norway and Swit-zerland. Take the chance and play a part in shaping the future.